GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS ___________________________________________________________ Preservation Order in accordance with Article 38(I)
In exercising
the provisions afforded by Paragraph (I) of Article 38 of the Law on Town
Planning, the Minister of Interior orders that, from the date of publication
of the present Order, in the Official Gazette of the Republic, no alteration
or construction be executed on the buildings, group of buildings and areas
defined in the Table of the present Order, which are considered of special
architectural / historical / social importance and are shown in red colour
on the attached government land surveys plans of series T.P.H. 479, unless
after written consent of the Minister of Interior and subject to such terms
as will be determined herein.
2. In the
case that any alterations or construction work be executed in violation of
the present Order, the Minister of Interior may demand the reinstatement of
the building, the group of buildings or the area regarding which alterations
or or construction work has taken place, to the state it had been at the
time of publication of of the present Order and implement towards this
purpose the orders as defined in Part Six of the Law, which refers to the
implementation of town planning regulation. 5. The publication of the present Order are imposed by the following reasons:
(a) The
existence of the above mentioned buildings, group of buildings and areas are
characteristic and or representative and or select examples of urban
architecture of Nicosia. TABLE
No. - Town -
Plan - Area - Plot No. - Name of Owner - Brief Description