Boarding Facilities:

During the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years AGBU will provide boarding facilities on the MEI campus for the students currently living in the MEI dormitories who enroll in the American Academy free of charge and who do not have parents residing in Nicosia.  If there is space available these students may be accommodated


Bussing from the MEI campus to the American Academy will be provided free of charge for those students living on-campus. American Academy has a private bus service that is available for students residing in Nicosia.

Armenian Language, History and Culture:

Beginning in the Fall of 2005 AGBU will be offering an afternoon/Saturday program that will include Armenian language classes as well as offerings in history and culture. These classes will be open to all Armenian children regardless of the school they attend.

I am enclosing a brochure from the American Academy for you information.  Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any of the following numbers;

Office; +357 (22) 422195 ext. 106 Home; +357(22)318-450 Cellular; +357 (S9) 317-811


Dr. Gordon Anderson
AGBU Representative