Nicosia, 17th April, 1996



I am truly honored to speak during this auspicious ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Melkonian Educational Institute, a unique educational institution and a cultural centre which has played, continues to play, and shall continue to play, a crucial role in providing within an Armenian environment and culture, an excellent education, preparing as well its graduates to play a vital role of leadership not only in the Armenian communities, but equally important, also in their respective communities around the world, and why not, even at the international, multinational level.

For me in particular, both as a Cypriot and an Armenian -in which I do not see any contradiction - it is a special honour to speak on this occasion in the presence of our beloved and distinguished  president  of  the  republic  of  Cyprus,   his Excellency,  Mr.  Glafkos Clerides,  a true friend of Armenians not only in Cyprus, but Armenians as a whole.

I wish to take this opportunity to express, on behalf of all Armenians, not only in Cyprus but all over the world, our most sincere gratitude for the unswerving support and assistance of the government and people of the republic of Cyprus, to keep alive the torch of Armenian education and culture not only through the Melkonian Educational Institute, but also through generous assistance by the government to the Nareg elementary school.

Mr. President, the Armenians shall never forget and shall always remain grateful to the Greeks all around the world for their support and assistance, for the generous assistance provided by Cyprus and Greece to the victims of the earthquake in Armenia, the victims of the Nagorno Karabagh, to Armenia in general, and above all, for having opened their homes to provide shelter to the Armenians running away from the massacres at the turn of the century.

I wish to pay a special tribute to the memory of the benefactors and founders of the Melkonian Educational Institute, the brothers Garabed and Krikor Melkonian.   I also wish to pay tribute to the memory of a person who unfortunately is rarely remembered, a personality in his own right, who played the crucial role in persuading the Melkonian brothers of Egypt to fund and establish the school in Nicosia, namely, his grace, archbishop Moushegh Seropian.

Finally,  I wish to pay tribute to the Armenian general benevolent union (AGBU) under whose auspices the Melkonian educational institute has been managed throughout' the past seven decades.

Before continuing my statement, I also wish to express on behalf of all of us, a special thanks to Mrs. Sosi bedikian and members of the organizational - committee, for the excellent preparations and arrangements for the celebrations.

Looking around this hall brings back so many vivid, wonderful memories, so many beautiful images of vibrant faces of classmates and other friends, educators; the joyous new years eve banquets, so much laughter, happiness, so many cultural evenings, concerts, lectures, drama, songs and melodies of our beloved Gomidas, Ganatchian, Bedelian, Berberian,  Messoumentz,  and  Apkarian,  to  name  a  few;  the unforgettable choir conducted by the late national treasure Vahan Bedelian,  a tradition which is being carried out most eminently by Sebouh Apkarian.

This is the stage from where our distinguished teachers and educators like Boghos Kevorkian, Nerses Tamamian, Vahan Bedeliajsi, Vahram Mavian, Haroutigun Ayvazian, Nishan Hovannesian, Thomas Stretch, and Sebouh Apkarian, as well as directors Aniel Wosgian and Puzant Yeghiayan gave us so many impressive and mind boggling experiences during a six years period of long marathon of lectures, in addition to a fully packed curriculum, complimented by intensive activities in the arts and sports. I have only mentioned those who were at the institute during my six happy and eventful years at Melkonian. Of course, Melkonian had attracted many more distinguished teachers   and   educators   like   Tekeyan,   Oshagan,   Vahian, Ganatchian, and Guiragossian, among others.

In expressing my deepest gratitude to all my teachers and directors, I am sure I reflect the sentiments of most of my contemporaries.  They were truly the best educators who planted and cultivated the seeds of love and appreciation not only of the Armenian language and culture,  but art,  music,  history, science,  philosophy,  and  respect  and  appreciation  of  all cultures, irrespective- respective of their origin.

In brief, I wish to state that whatever modest success I may have achieved at the international level, it is due most of all to the excellent education I have received from the Melkonian educational institute. Coming from a very humble background, any success that I may have achieved or continue to achieve, should be considered as a tribute to the Melkonian educational institute and to all my beloved and committed teachers who were my best friends and educators.

Although an institution only with students of Armenian descent, the Melkonian Educational Institute has indeed been an international institution, a truly multicultural institution, given the diverse backgrounds of the students coming from all over. That has been one of its strongest assets, I am very happy to note that Melkonian continues that tradition, and currently has a student body of much wider backgrounds, coming particularly from Eastern Europe.

The faith of Melkonian Educational Institute has been intertwined with the faith of Cyprus and its most generous and hospitable people.

Since its establishment, Melkonian has been playing a very essential role in the strengthening of the bonds within the Armenian community in Cyprus, providing it as well a solid cultural base, as well as contributing to the overall cultural activity in Cyprus. As I mentioned earlier on, Melkonian has also benefited from the most gracious support of the government and people of Cyprus, which consider it to be as much of a Cypriot institution as Armenians consider it to be their own.

Melkonian and Cyprus, are almost synonymous, just as it is synonymous with AGBU.  Armenians all over the world, can not discuss the one without remembering the other.  The Melkonian Educational Institute should remain in Cyprus as it would lose its unique identity, should a decision be taken to transfer it elsewhere,  with its unique geographical proximity to most Armenian centres from where its students come, with the generous protection and support of the government of the republic of Cyprus, the institute should remain in Cyprus, and strengthened further.

The establishment of the Melkonian educational institute was inspired by a dream, a vision with a unique mission which it has carried out successfully for the past seventy years; that mission should continue to be further strengthened for decades to come, and should not be tempered with. One can not, and should not even attempt, to uproot and re-plant a seventy year old oak tree.   That is simply not possible, to maintain an institution like Melkonian, with a very high calibre of education, requires substantial funding.

It would be a very serious mistake, however, without taking in to full account the primary goal of Melkonian to provide a sound education within an Armenian environment, to look at this institution and say, because it is operating at a very high cost and losing money, it should be closed; or, at least, transferred elsewhere. Melkonian was never intended as a private institution, and its success should not be measured by ledgers. Investment in the education of Armenian kids is an investment in the future of the Armenian nation, and education should remain one of the most essential missions of the AGBU, the Melkonian educational institute is a national institution, and therefore belongs to the Armenian nation as a whole.

What is required is a sound management of the affairs of Melkonian, both in terms of its curriculum, attracting an excellent faculty who should be compensated appropriately, as well as sound financial management of the institute.

To start with, it is essential to bring about a transparency in running the affairs of Melkonian, and inform the Armenian people of the options regarding its future. There is need for an urgent and open public discussion on the status of the institute, involving as many segments of the society as possible.  Unfortunately, there has always been a secrecy  shrouding the affairs and financing of the Melkonian.   I urge those who are currently responsible for the management of the Melkonian educational institute,  namely the AGBU,  to publish urgently a report on the institute, providing, among others, a credible financial statement, as well as the options the central board of directors of the AGBU have been considering with regard to the future status of Melkonian. 

Such a report would help dispel a number of concerns and rumours which have been going around the world far too long.  Furthermore, any decision regarding the future of Melkonian should not be taken behind   closed   doors,   without   appropriate   and   widest consultation with alumni and sounding of the Armenian public opinion.  Such an approach would also help AGBU leaders to take credible decisions which will not be subject to challenges.   It will also enhance its standing with the Armenian public.

The alumni of any institution, including colleges and universities, can and should play a very vital role in the affairs of the institutions concerned, because they do understand and appreciate the requirements and needs of the institutions concerned, and yet, there has been a serious failure to galvanize and enlist the support of the alumni of Melkonian, in an institutional manner.

It is essential for Melkonian to establish a special office to deal with alumni affairs, to keep track of alumni all over the world, and engage them in the affairs and support of the institution through generous contributions. There is so much readiness among the alumni to help. They are ready to contribute. Most alumni members have been successful all over the world, and they are in a position to contribute generously to the funding of the institution, with so many alumni present on this occasion, together with the board of trustees, we should not lose this opportunity to have an open discussion on the current and future status of Melkonian. The alumni present should take the initiative to organize the discussions which I consider them to be more essential than simply participating in this celebrations which are by their nature only ephemeral. We need to take concrete decisions which could be further elaborated at the 70th anniversary celebrations planned in Los Angeles at the beginning of next July, we should also submit our proposals to the AGBU board of directors for their consideration and, hopefully, approval. The alumni of the AGBU is equally at fault; unfortunately very often there has been much talk without any positive action. I urge all my fellow alumni to commit themselves during this celebrations for positive action by contributing or pledging generously towards the funding of Melkonian.  We can do it, and should do it.

Finally, in addressing the current student body, I wish to tell you all, and each one of you: what Melkonian provides you with is very precious - a solid education, an excellent background and a sound foundation for your future studies and success. You can do it; don’t be afraid of dreaming, and of your aspirations; you can make them come true.

In closing, my dear fellow alumni and student body of the Melkonian educational institute, I want to say that I am one of you, and being one of you has been my greatest privilege.