M E I C R I S I S – A c t i o n s & R e a c t i o n s ( C o m m u n i q u é )
1- We share the June 20th
savemelkonian web page Editor’s diagnosis and understand his/her anger when
he/she writes « who is running the school» ? . 2- Let’s put a series of questions related to the MEI actual crisis actions & reactions . Who is doing what ? Warning the public opinion is important, and it is done by very few independent Armenian and non-Armenian News papers, besides the “www.savemelkonian.org” where the work of communicating and collating relevant information is carried out remarkably – with a certain style which gives the pretext of “indignation”, mostly to the AGBU-CB’s unconditional friends. Nevertheless, public opinion warning is an information act and it can generate indignation for some people. - Is there any ACTION? REACTING to the CB’s decision, which is implemented with a zigzagging trajectory, but obviously oriented to a well known target. The AGBU. CB’s zigzag statements – although contradictory with what they are doing, e.g. The prevention of the students’ enrolment – are emitted just to spread confusion in public opinion and make the group of persons supposed to be their opponents lose time. This zigzagging of the AGBU CBs supply a “raw material” for the gossip of some people, whose position is not clear with respect to the MEI crisis. - Where are the opposing ACTIONS, in order to overcome the MEI crisis? Public gatherings? Fund rising galas, for some objectives yet to be defined? Blaming the AGBU and/or its CB’s dismal decision against the MEI – through letters and articles in the mass media? These are certainly not the ACTIONS, which could hit the target and invalidate the CB’s decision against the MEI entity. While there are ACTIONS, in the sense of the CB’s decision – such as the silence of the HH-AA Catholicos Karekin II and that of the partisan press, just as the meetings that the Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs recently had with Cypriot Statesmen in Nicosia. 3- What are the MEI Alumni worldwide doing, besides arguing and in some cases reasonably analysing the matter? Do they know that the AGBU is not and never has been the owner of the MEI, according to the Melkonian Will, do they know? If yes, why are the Alumni still arguing the "goodies and baddies” of the AGBU and/or its CB? Should this be a MEI Alumni “hobby”, it seems to be that of the hobbledehoys! To our knowledge there is only one ACTION, reacting to the CB’s decision and to its implementations, carried out by a rather large group of Armenians and non-Armenians, including Melkonian International’s and PRO EDVCATIO representatives worldwide. In fact, an Amendments File in due form has been submitted to the Cyprus Government in order to protect the MEI’s entire status on the integrity of its estate as Western Armenian Boarding High-school for all Armenian students Worldwide, regardless of their economic and social conditions. The requirements of the above mentioned Amendments have the compulsory legal basis, namely the Melkonian Will – to date the only known official document which defines the rights, the duties and the responsibilities of the parties involved, amongst which are those of the AGBU of course. Any ACTION at any court – e.g. European Court, against the refusal of the Armenian Students enrolment in the MEI – has to be based on the Melkonian Will. Some people are proposing to initiate worldwide legal research to show how badly behaved the AGBU as an organisation has been. Isn’t it an immense programme?! Doesn’t dealing with such a programme mean deviating the efforts of from saving the MEI as an entity and its estate in Nicosia? This kind of deviation exists every where in different aspects – such as disinformation, forged by hidden contributors to the efforts of the AGBU-CB for the dismantlement of the MEI. These moves are as old as nature! Even older than human intelligence! Let’s summarise : Enough is enough! Are people willing to save the MEI ? If yes, they have to deal with this matter both within political and judicial spheres. For there is enough information and evidence in this connection. All other distractions can only assist, in one way or another, the AGBU- CB’s programme for the dismantlement of the MEI, against the Melkonian Will – which is a CONTRACT - we remind all parties involved. Students’ enrolment is a fundamental act for the realization of the CONTRACT. That’s why the AGBU-CB and its employees are trying to prevent it by every means and ways. We remind this to those who are really willing to save Melkonian, but only MEI, not the universe! Truly Yours, On behalf of PRO EDVCATIO and Grtassere Sabine.Haas, Koharig Kevorkian, Vahé Barsoumian Edward A. Fisher, Kevork Kevorkian , Art Maranci, N. Nicolaidis, Vartan Ozinian. |