Melkonian Alumni Association of Cyprus


89 - 91 Prodromos Ave.,
Strovolos 2063
Nicosia Cyprus
Tel. +357 2267 8666   Fax. +357 2267 8664



Mr. Gordon Anderson
Armenian General Benevolent Union

May 17, 2004

 Dear Mr. Anderson

 It has come to our attention that despite the passage of two months from the date when the House of Representatives of Cyprus issued a resolution regarding the A.G.B.U. plans to close the Melkonian Educational Institute, whereby the House Education Committee and the House plenary session:

 -- expressed indignation and protest over plans to close the school;
 -- considered as “unacceptable” any plans to hamper Armenian education in Cyprus;
 -- condemned any effort to change the school premises and trust of the Melkonian




-- called on the AGBU to suspend any relevant decision and enter into a constructive dialogue with representatives of the Armenian community of Cyprus and those with a direct interest (teachers, parents, alumni) as well as the Cyprus authorities;
 -- called on the AGBU to review constructively the proposals of the interested parties
to operate the school under their responsibility;
-- called on the government to declare the historical buildings as a protected site and
the whole of the Melkonian Institute grounds as a site of historical and cultural  importance;

-- called on the Government of Cyprus to prevent the implementation of the fait  accompli that the administrators in New York are attempting to realise;


-- expected of the Government of Cyprus to reinforce the school, in order to ensure its operation under the control of the Armenians of Cyprus and their representative bodies;

neither yourself, as AGBU representative in Cyprus, nor any other officer of the aforementioned organisation, has entered into any dialogue with any representative of the community, in violation of the House of Representatives resolution.

Furthermore, we urge you to reconsider this disregard of the House of Representatives, the Ministry of Education, the Armenian Community of Cyprus and the Melkonian Alumni and ask you to agree on the earliest possible date this month to discuss the future of the Melkonian Educational Institute.




          Shavasb Bohdjalian                    Masis der Parthogh
          Chairman                                           Vice Chairman


cc.:    Mr. Demetris Christofias, President, House of Representatives
          Mr. Ionas Nicolaou, Acting President, House Education Committee
          Mr. Bedros Kalaydjian, Member, House of Representatives
          Mr. Petros Kareklas, Director General, Ministry of Education
          Central Board, Armenian General Benevolent Union, New York