People ask why Alumni didn’t do anything all these years?

Answer: We were nice, respectful people. We believed that what the best of our elders did was fine. We didn’t entertain any thoughts that there could be something wrong. We had blind trust.

When we found out that our Home Institution might be put on the chopping block, we responded as a Melkoniantsi should, that is, we respectfully asked questions, made phone calls through our networks of friends, pleaded, invoked “Azkabahbanoutioun”, and tried all civilized ways and means to influence them to  reconsider their decision to terminate the Greatest Armenian Campus in the world.

Then, with their official announcement, the CB of AGBU stunned everyone: Melkoniantsis, AGBU members, friendly media folks, and, most importantly, the current faculty-student body at MEI.

Therefore we are invoking the full arsenal of legal means, to roll back this misguided and illegal act.

No one can unilaterally vaporize Our Home Institution. We need more transparency, more accountability, and more enlightened leadership.

The mini-city of the Melkonian Campus must now become a place for cutting edge education for all Armenians who are gradually thinning out around the world.

The Melkonian World is situated within the mythical and hospitable island of Cyprus. This Mediterranean Island sits right in the middle of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. What better location could there ever be for the purpose of educating the young in technology, the digital universe, the media, and the cultivation of multilingual future politicians, teachers, lawyers . . .

When the USA is sacrificing blood and treasure to open bases in the Middle East, extinguishing the Melkonian mini-city Armenian base is a strategic blunder of first magnitude.

Hands off Melkonian!

Melkonian Forever!!!

A Melkoniantsi