I would like to congratulate on behalf of some Larnaca Alumni members and myself the Cyprus Alumni association, for having organized such a successful demonstration at Melkonian’s premises on the 24th of March. We would like to extend our gratitude to the representatives of the political parties of the Cyprus, to the chairman of house educational committee, for their presence and unequivocal support for our cause underlined in their speeches, characterizing the decision of closing down Melkonian as unacceptable.

Meantime we would like to extend our warm thanks to Souren and his colleagues, Haig and Karen at savemelkonian.org. This website has become not only the major source of fresh, instant and accurate news about all Melkonian affairs, but a place where people can respond, send opinions and argue their viewpoints.

This much for the good side, but the bad side was and still is that:

a)      We can not understand why the Ramgavar Party was the only party amongst the traditional parties in Cyprus who refused to sign on the joint declaration, read by the chairman of Cyprus alumni Mr. Shavasb Bohdjalian at the end of the demonstration, requesting the CB to change it’s decision of closing down Melkonian at the end of June 2005.

b)      The complete absence of the church. It is sad and discouraging to witness an authority like the church being so indifferent, instead of playing a leading role in initiating efforts to save a huge national wealth such as Melkonian from threat of disappearance.

c)      It is also with great sadness and sorrow that we witness the extreme silence of the Armenian authorities in Armenia, where letters for intervention has been sent to the President, Foreign Ministry, Educational ministry, Chairman of writer’s union and to the All Armenian Catholicos. Their silence can only be interpreted as either indifference or collaboration with the CB, we cannot see a third interpretation, since not even a single reply has been received from them up to this very moment.

The Melkonian Issue now is a litmus test, the Melkonian issue is a test of Armenian Blood pressure every where around the Diaspora, the Melkonian issue has shown the necessity for a new understanding in our society, least of which is, free dialogue, proper communication, transparency, accountability and devotion without expectations, these are a few ingredients on which a nation can depend and flourish.

I urge all Armenians, specially residents of USA to stop any type of donation and contributions to AGBU, and demand a new and properly elected CB to take over the running of the AGBU NY. AGBU CB has proved itself not worthy of the trust of the Armenians. The insistence of closing down the Melkonian against the will and all good faith proposals of Cyprus Alumni can logically interpreted in two ways, either they are in big financial trouble, or they are definitely collaborating with all those who benefit from non-existence of the Melkonian (Turks could only be one of them). They should resign immediately, otherwise let them have no doubt that they will be forced to, there will be no room for any concessions, we shall pursue them to the end, as Souren says we shall never stop and never get tired.

Siamanto Oknaian
Larnaca, Cyprus