In a communiqué dated November 14, 2003, the Armenian
General Benevolent Union announced that all the news that was being spread
in connection with the sale of the Melkonian Educational Institution (MEI)
property was baseless and false. The intended message was: "Don't pay
attention to these reports; it's been decided that the MEI property will not
be sold." An American, Gordon Anderson, was sent to Cyprus for this purpose;
having enjoyed the hospitality of the MEI for months, he met with
construction companies and agents just so the Central Board could tell the
world, "the Melkonian property is not for sale." Those wishing to participate in the tender can submit
their bids in sealed envelopes to Mr. Anderson so that he, may sort through
them and make the selling decision based on a logical arrangement Now, however, the refrain has changed. It is being said that "MEI is no longer serving its purpose; therefore, the boarding division will be closed down but the commuting pupils' division will remain open." What an interesting and convincing logic! With the grace of God and the fervent prayer of the responsible parties, the commuting pupils will come down from heaven to make the MEI flourish and to constitute a sufficient number so we can have an MEI with commuting pupils. Our people, including the AGBU membership, are being treated as if they can't hear, don't read, can't reason and who knows what else, in order for such a sour thought to be stuffed into their minds. But no, this explanation is a figuratively used statement, which says, "The Melkonian property will be sold. No matter what you say, no matter what you write, no matter how much you scream and holler against that move, we have decided to sell. And, do you know what we're going to do with the proceeds? We don't need to tell you, just as we did not give
importance to your outbursts by not publishing MEI's budget, as a
matter of policy unique to the AGBU. Who said that the AGBU is a transparent
glass house?" In this regard, I cannot make assertions, despite the
fact that the contents of the MEI periodical enthuse all those who are
interested in the school. The Central Board, whose members live in the New York metropolitan area and are uninformed about the conditions and needs of the Middle East, wished to judge the MEI by American criteria, without ever inquiring as to what was transpiring within the MEI from a pedagogical and financial standpoint. Prior to 1995, the MEI, throughout its almost 70-year existence has always had a board of trustees that was composed of serious, earnest individuals selected from Cyprus itself. These board members were seriously concerned with the MEI's educational and financial issues. Possessing a national consciousness, they reviewed and studied all the issues presented, together with the principal; they paid close attention to MEI's academic accreditation, as well as ensuring an acceptable degree of fiscal improvement. What was the board of trustees constituted after 1995 expected to do, when its members, selected from outside of Cyprus, could neither follow the MEI's regular course day to day, nor express its point of view on arrangements made or to be made; it wasn't permitted to do so. The board of trustees could not, or did not have the right to, inquire into the decisions made within the MEI; on the other hand, the Central Board of the AGBU allowed the school to continue its course toward dissolution for years so that, one day, with a clear conscience, it could close the MEI down and sell the property, citing the undesirable situation created as the reason. There is talk about the disproportional tuition payments, the degree of which is said not to exist even in the US; there is talk about the presence of superfluous staff at the MEI; there is talk of exaggerated efforts toward innovation; there is talk of extravagant travel arrangements. If the Central Board had given total freedom to the new principal, why didn't it ever inquire into the financial and educational quality of MEI? The party responsible for all the reasons advanced by the Central Board is none other than the Central Board itself, because it prepared this situation through years of planning, and today our people, particularly those who are interested in MEI, very clearly see those planned moves, such that the Central Board should not consider these people to be immature, naive and uninformed. The verdict of Diasporan Armenian history for each member of the Central Board will be a heavy one, owing to the deadly blow landed by them to our tremendous sacrifices, our ever-increasing efforts for national self-preservation. History does not correct such irremediable mistakes. How laughable it is to announce that the MEI property will not be sold! After the boarding division is shut down, naturally, the commuting pupil's division will not only shut down immediately; it will not even have a primitive existence, since a property worth some $80 million is not kept for 30-40 pupils; neither will the Central Board maintain a property worth $80 million as a monument to the Melkonian Brothers. Everybody knows very well where the proceeds from the sale will go, how they will melt away. In today's world, no longer are there persons stupid or naive enough to wonder where sums of money resulting from unannounced decisions go. Why doesn't the Central Board announce its subsequent plans? If a plan hasn't been developed yet, it will be drawn up and then the MEI will be closed down. We are of the opinion that the leadership of the Central Board is familiar with this elementary modus operandi. I use the word "leadership" because I know that all the members of the Central Board are not interested in this fundamental national issue and they accept the decision of a few members as the gospel truth. The Central Board is still trying to convince those in its circles that those who are stirring up trouble are a small group. They are grossly in error; there are large numbers of dissatisfied people, individuals who are opposed to the closure of MEI ' not only Melkonian alumni but also all AGBU circles. If they believe that those in favour of keeping MEI open comprise a small group, then why doesn't the Central Board issue a circular asking the opinion of AGBU circles? No one the Central Board knows well the importance of the MEI for our compatriots in the various countries of the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, the Gulf States, Iran) as well as the Eastern European and the Balkan countries. The MEI is extremely relevant for these countries in terms of preservation of national identity and that supersedes all other considerations. Hearing their earnest appeals, it is possible to state, with responsible awareness and studied zeal, as well as concern for our national welfare, that our compatriots in these countries need the Melkonian Educational Institution as much as they need "bread and water." At this new stage in international and Armenian affairs, MEI is vitally needed for our nation. Its closing is a wrong move; it will be the most tragic move made by the AGBU, one causing the most harm to our nation, and those determining the current policy of the Central Board will be subject to severe indictment by our people in the court of history. All the reasons given by them are incorrect. They are simply blinded by the material value of the MEI. But when they try to actually realize the value of the MEI property, they will see that they have erred to the extreme in their calculations and that they have been deceived by those wishing to snatch the property. A significant portion of this plot of ground, by municipal law, shall be designated as a public park. This has been drawn on our plan of the cadastre, ever since the first partial sale was made. A significant portion of the property shall be allocated to roads. The Centre of the local chapter of the AGBU, which was built with the financial means of the district, uses the entrance of the MEI. If the MEI property is sold, the area from the main road up to the eastern boundaries of the centre must be given to the centre in order for the local chapter to gain entrance to it. There is also the matter of taxes to be paid at the time of sale, particularly since the government today is opposed to the closure of the MEI. The sales tax amounts to 25 percent. According to the bylaws of the AGBU, it is not possible to divert a bequest from its purpose if the possibility of its execution exists. At present, the Melkonian will is applicable. Its incomes are: Our suggestion is to immediately erect a second income-producing centre on the MEI's property, part of whose rental income could be used to pay off the institution's debt to the bank while another part could be allocated to the MEI budget. When the bank loan is totally paid off, the rental income in its entirety could then be allocated to the MEI. The Central Board states that the MEI can accommodate 350
pupils but that the pupils are lacking. This is a decrease in student
enrollment organized by the Central Board as well, because the latter
consciously made annual increases in the tuition fees required from the
pupils, knowing that those from Eastern Europe or the Middle East, not to
mention Armenia, could not pay those sums. That was not a correct and appropriate act, because many
of those present probably did not understand what was being proposed
for them to vote on and so they raised their hands without realizing what a
dangerous and damaging position they were putting the AGBU in. The proper
method to change the bylaws would have been to send the proposal for the
change in the bylaws to the chapters months earlier, so they could study it.
By Haygashen Ouzounian Larnaca, Cyprus (Translated by Aris G. Sevag)