Melkonian Alumni elects new leadership in Cyprus

The Melkonian Alumni in Cyprus held a general meeting of members at the school’s auditorium on Saturday,
September 20, 2003, where the following were proposed and unanimously elected as the new council:

Shavasb Bohdjalian, President
Masis der Parthogh, Vice President
Baydzig Kalaydjian, Secretary
Baret Gendjelian, Treasurer
Louise der Parthogh, Armenag Shahabian and Hagop Tutunjian, members.

The Melkonian Alumni now have a permanent address for communication for all alumni and friends, in Cyprus or the world over.

These are:
mailing address: P.O. Box 16077,
CY 2085,

All alumni are urged to send in their current contact details, including years of attendance at the school and maiden name, in the case of married women, in order to establish an up-to-date database and be better briefed on the latest news about the Melkonian Alumni in Cyprus and around the world, the latest developments about the school and any other information that would benefit the school, student life and the activities of the alumni.