Communiqué 19 IX 2005 WARNING To the Armenians – citizens of Cyprus The Election of the Cyprus Armenian RepresentativeWill Weigh also on the Destiny of the MEIR e m e m b e r The Effects of the Former Representatives and their Friends;The MEI is not only an Alumni and / or Cyprus Armenians Community issue, The MEI matters to the All Armenian Worldwide Commonwealth and Human Rights.
The Melkonian Educational Institute (MEI) Cyprus Alumni has published a letter setting out its position relating to the candidates for the forthcoming election of the Cyprus Armenian Community Representative to the House of Representatives of the Cyprus Republic. This election apparently should be of interest only to the Armenian Community members, citizens of the Cyprus Republic. Nevertheless the salvation of the MEI, being a Human Rights issue, goes far beyond the political borders of a country and its jurisdiction – in this case Cyprus. Consequently we wish to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that any candidate linked to the organisations, which in the past have tried, and are still trying, to dismantle the MEI, is against both All Armenian Worldwide Commonwealth cultural interests and the Human Rights and this should be taken into consideration when casting ones vote. This is merely a warning, independent of all partisan consideration, addressed to the Armenians – citizens of Cyprus. As a matter of fact, PRO EDVCATIO is a worldwide international independent body, but not neutral with regard to the Human Rights matters. We remind every Armenian citizen of Cyprus that Pro Edvcatio does not have a candidate for the above mentioned election, but supports a non–candidate Patriarch of Armenians for the salvation of the Melkonian Educational Institute, whose continues existence matters not only to the Alumni and / or the Armenian Community of Cyprus, but is the concern to the Armenians Worldwide Commonwealth and their Human Rights. Thus we suggest all voters remember the tangible effects due to the activities of the Cyprus Armenian Community’s former Representatives, for the MEI and the organisations supporting them. Therefore to consider these issues when drawing their conclusions for their final choice. We suggest also to remember that the MEI issue is more important than the personal and social relations of voters. Consequently all voters should mobilise their sense of public interest, their civic courage and put these above their personal relationships.
Sincerely YoursP R O E D V C A T I O