New dates The Court case in Cyprus seems to have picked up a pace. The first hearing is set for September 20, when AGBU Representative must justify his “contempt of court” actions, and the second date is September 29, which is the first hearing for the case of the Patriarch vs. AGBU. Unless of course they are postponed again ... !! Melkonian an election issue After the death of Bedros Kalaydjian on September, the seat of the Armenian Representative in the Cyprus parliament is vacated. He died aged 71 having held this seat for 10 years. He replaced his brother, Aram, who also held the same seat ten years earlier and was Chairman of the Melkonian local executive board for many years. Though the Melkonian enjoyed good time during Aram’s office (1985-1995), Bedros could not get through to the AGBU leadership in New York, who appointed Hagop Kasbarian as Principal and gave him full powers, which was when the mismanagement in the school started and continued for the remaining ten years. Little did we know from the outside... Bye-elections for the parliamentary have been set for Sunday, October 9, with two candidates contesting. The first is Dr. Vahak Atamyan, Melkoniantsi, present Chairman of the Nareg Schools Committee and former member of the Melkonian non-executive board. His opponent is Dr. Antranig Ashdjian, presently chairing the Armenian National Committee (Hay Tahd). However, this election is crucial for the future of the Melkonian and the struggle to save the school, and both candidates are expected to declare their positions on this issue, with the local Alumni monitoring the situation. Other community issues are of minor significance and will be dealt with in the run-up to the next national elections in May 2006. Student Fund Plans are underway to start a separate Students Fund in Cyprus, as the start of the 2005-2006 school year has brought to the fore the problems of some of the Melkoniantsi students, some of whom had partial or full assistance from the AGBU. New York has subsequently cut off this aid and abandoned many students. The Alumni in Cyprus are working to start raising funds to help these students, in addition to the fund-raising needed to finance the court battle. More on this later as we get more information from Nicosia...