The plunder continues By our Cyprus correspondent Fools are those who naively thought that “Gordon is just doing his job”. In reality, Gordon was told by New York to “do as you like” giving him the green light to plunder the Melkonian fortunes and keep the money. He devised the plans, implemented them and later informed his masters that “the job has been done.” Teachers were selectively forced out of their apartments, while other staff members who enjoy Ramgavar support, have been kept on until the end of August. Some valuable documents and letters of historical value have been thrown into a room next to the library, while the fate of others is unknown. Paintings have been removed from the walls and quietly distributed among the pro-closure soldiers of Gordon’s army. Computers have been wiped clean and taken to the adjacent Karekin Klub where his Woman Frieday is running a summer school using the Melkonian’s name and money. The bare truth Once the school’s valuable movable assets were taken down, technical crews came in to dismantle the A/C units and take these to the adjacent club, while another crew is taking the dimensions of the Melkonian kitchen equipment in order to take some to the same club and offload the rest into the market and pocket the difference.
‘Sisterhood of the Kebab’A new secret society has been set up. It is called the ‘Sisterhood of the Kebab’ who were secretly enjoying their “last kebab” in the north wing of the school, while others had the AGBU Gestapo breathing down their necks telling them to evacuate the teachers’ quarters ... or else! We have the names of those who sat at the Sisterhood’s table and hope they choke on the food they enjoyed.
Gordon to the rescueFlash Gordon, who is in constant violation of the injunction issued by Nicosia District Court that requires him to abide by the interim order and stop doing anything that would change the spirit and structure of the Melkonian, had gone A.W.O.L. the past few days. Some thought he had fled to the North upon instruction of his masters in New York in order to avoid prosecution. Unfortunately, he showed up for work this week and continued with his duties of running a concentration camp and annihilating anything Armenian. This could only be achieved by such an exemplary figure of the Aryan race. Back at work, he has been bankrolling the summer school that is a loss-making operation, but a good excuse to raise the Melkonian’s debt to the AGBU. What the parents sending their children to this summer school do not know is that they too are in violation of the court order and may be forced to appear in front of the judge as well.