FOX News Network
News Analysis: Oil-for-Food Audits Reveal Sevan as Mysterious Manager
Sunday, January 16, 2005
By Claudia Rosett and George
NEW YORK — Perhaps Paul Volcker
(search), head of the United Nations-authorized inquiry into the U.N.
Oil-for-Food program, was speaking solely of graft when he said recently
that the internal audits of Oil-for-Food contained “no flaming red flags.”
But if he meant anything beyond outright criminality, he was surely wrong.
On that score, previously secret
U.N. internal audits of the multi-billion dollar program, finally released
last week by Volcker’s own investigating commission, are packed with
bombshells enough to shatter any normal business – let alone a U.N. program
supplied with $1.4 billion to cover its administrative costs in monitoring
$111 billion worth of deals done under UN sanctions by Saddam Hussein
The problems unveiled go well beyond those in the already much-discussed
audits of the Oil-for-Food (search) inspectors hired by the U.N. Secretariat
to oversee Saddam’s oil exports and relief imports, who according to the
United Nations' own auditors too often charged too much and inspected too
One audit report that has so far received little attention describes at
length the spectacular failures of Oil-for-Food’s executive director, Benon
Sevan (search), to adequately run even his own office and budget, let alone
monitor what the program was doing in Iraq. Sevan is the one U.N. official
who has been publicly accused of taking bribes in the form of oil vouchers
from the Saddam Hussein regime, though Sevan denies this.
The United Nation’s auditors, in a lengthy post-mortem done months after the
U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, record that during the final two years of the
program, from July 31, 2001 on, Sevan abruptly stopped holding regular
weekly staff meetings — basically leaving the program in chaos.
Apart from a small flurry of staff gatherings in late 2002, Sevan apparently
closed his door to sessions with personnel charged with headquarters
oversight of the activities and finances of the nine U.N. agencies, 900
international staff, 3,500 Iraqis, assorted contractors and various accounts
involved in the program.
Sevan failed to approve procedures to monitor big chunks of his enormous
budget, never got around to confirming vital work plans or defining some key
areas of responsibility for his on-the-ground overseers, and often did not
even answer written messages or policy papers from his staff. This, the
auditors plaintively noted, ”exposes the executive director to the risk of
not receiving appropriate advice from [the field overseers] and left the
[project management] staff feeling ‘left out’ and de-motivated.”
These findings are part of an audit report dated July 28, 2003, looking back
post-Saddam on the final years of Oil-for-Food, and burdened with the
deceptively dull title: “Review of the Programme Analysis, Monitoring and
Support Division of the Office of the Iraq Programme.”
That particular division, referred to by the auditors as PAMSD, had
responsibility for ensuring the massive Oil-for-Food program developed
coherent policies and operated under clear and effective rules on the
ground. It was also responsible for framing how well the United Nations was
discharging the Oil-for-Food responsibilities given the organization by the
U.N. Security council.
The auditors judge that PAMSD “made substantial efforts to discharge its
responsibilities.” But according to the auditors, Sevan clearly didn’t.
In the report’s executive summary, the auditors note, with a tone of
turgidly bureaucratic despair, that “the lack of an approved work plan,
organizational structure and key performance indicators” as well as
“inadequate communication” between Sevan, the field and PAMSD resulted in
PAMSD “not being able to adequately fulfill its functions.”
That translates into an alarming observation, since PAMSD’s “functions” were
to engender critical oversight policies within Oil-for-Food. In doleful
detail, running to 26 sections, this particular audit report (#21 of the 55
released by Volcker) recounts that as of 2003, “While the Programme is in
its seventh year of operations, major policy directives had not been
finalized on a timely basis.” This, suggest the auditors, had the effect of
“leaving the program open to criticism.”
PAMSD’s work plans for the previous three years had been sent to Sevan for
review and approval; “However, they had not been formally approved nor were
comments provided to PAMSD.” That meant Oil-for-Food ran without even a
medium-term strategic plan.
The auditors level a litany of other complaints, some of which suggest that
Sevan bypassed his headquarters oversight staff to deal more directly with
other parts of the U.N. bureaucracy. Many of the complaints had to do with
Sevan’s administration of some $8 billion in Oil for Food funding earmarked
for the three northern provinces of Iraq, which are heavily Kurdish.
Given the date on the report, the auditors were clearly involved in a murky
U.N. exercise that attempted internally to assign blame for the program’s
shortcomings, since by that time accusations of corruption and incompetence
had been aired in the press for years.
But that in turn raises the biggest question of all: how did
Secretary-General Kofi Annan (search) fail to notice that Sevan’s office,
entrusted with the biggest relief program in U.N. history, had become such a
site of managerial mayhem?
It was Annan who handpicked Sevan in 1997 to run Oil-for-Food. It was Annan
whose office received many of these audit reports, had access to all of them
and until last week refused to release any of them even to Congress. And it
was Annan, who in closing out the United Nations role in Oil-for-Food in
Nov. 2003 made a point of praising Sevan as a man who had served the world
body “far beyond the call of duty.”
Did Annan simply not care? Or is he himself so inept that he truly had no
clue about the many internal signs that Sevan’s office was an organizational
Claudia Rosett is a journalist-in-residence with the Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies. George Russell is Executive Editor of Fox News.